Ministries, Groups & Activities
The beauty of the Sunnybank Parish is the variety of gifts and diversity of opportunities for us to live out our Christian vocation. You are invited to take part in any of the following groups or activities within our parish.
Our group gathers together for Silent Adoration on Tuesday nights 7-8pm. This is held at OLOL Church. Everyone is welcome to attend for a minutes in the presence of our Lord or the whole Holy Hour.
The family is very essential in the faith formation of our children. Hence, our Parish Baptism Group journeys and support the families that present their children for Baptism. These young families are given a sense of belonging from the start and finish of our Baptism program. It is a privilege to play a small role in welcoming these children and their families into our faith community – to join us in Hospitality, Formation or Musicians/Singers, please contact the Parish Office. CARE & CONCERN GROUP
The Care & Concern Group is a ministry of service for those in need within our parishes. A team of volunteers provide services including; home Communion for the sick and elderly; transportation to Mass; and emergency meals. If you are interested in these services or in volunteering, please contact Christine at the parish office. There is also a monthly First Friday Mass followed by morning tea to encourage connection and community in the parish. All are welcome! CATHOLIC KIDS CLUB
Catholic Kids Club is a group for primary school aged kids that come together monthly. At meetings kids learn about faith in a fun way that they can relate to. We play games, hear stories and make crafts which are centred around a different theme each month. A youth group for kids! CHARISMATIC PRAYER GROUP
Parish Prayer Group open to everyone who loves praise and worship, bible study, Rosary and intercessory prayers conducted in Spanish and English on alternate Saturdays from 2:30pm to 5pm, Media Room. We also organize small fundraisings for charity or people in need. CHRISTIAN MEDITATION
First and foremost, Christian meditation is prayer, and, like all forms of prayer, the aim is to build a relationship with God. In meditation we try to come to God in simplicity, not demanding anything, so we can receive God’s presence, love, and mercy, not by analysing or thinking about God but by being silent and still. The essence of meditation is taking the attention off ourselves for a moment and simply being in the presence of God, who is Love. Christian Meditation group meets at 7:50am Thursday mornings in the Media Room for about three quarters of an hour. FRIENDSHIP GROUP
Our group aims to get people of the parish together once a month, on a Wednesday in the Paloma Centre to enjoy each other's company, make friends, have morning tea, listen to guest speakers and go on regular bus outings. Everyone is welcome to come along and join the group and the cost of annual membership is $5. Further information is available from the Parish Office. LEGION OF MARY
The Legion of Mary is the Catholic organisation. Members of the Legion of Mary place themselves under the protection of Jesus Christ’s Mother. We meet every Friday at 10-11:30am in media room. We begin the meeting by praying the invoking the Holy Spirit followed by the Holy Rosary. The Legion of Mary neither asks money, nor does it give financial aid. It is a spiritual organisation aimed simply of doing good. MEN’S BREAKFAST GROUP
Since 2012, OLOL and OLOF men come together in friendship and for a full hot breakfast at a cost of $10 per person. The group meets in the Avocado Room in the Paloma Reception Complex on the first Saturday of each month except for December and January and some public holidays. Sometimes a guest speaker is organised to speak. If you are interested, please contact the parish office for more details. |
We operate on the credo: “To praise God with the Cultural Diversity of our Parish and to show our unity in Christ.” This group organises the Sunnybank Parish Annual Multicultural Weekend when we gather as united Australians to celebrate our unique a diversity. NOVENA TO OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP
Every Saturday at 10am, a group of Parishioners devoted to Our Lady of Perpetual Help gather in the Church to say the Rosary, pray the Novena and conclude with the Benediction. An array of personal, Parish and everyone’s prayer intentions are offered to God through the Blessed Virgin Mary. Lots of Prayers have been answered through this devotion. RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults)
A journey of self-discovery, learning and prayer for anyone to learn about the Catholic Faith. Each small group session involves discussion and formation in the faith in a relaxed and supportive environment. ROSARY GROUP
Every Wednesday morning, straight after mass, our group recites the Rosary. This is completely optional, join us whenever you can, as this is a wonderful way to become a more active member of our parish community. All are welcome, and we would love to see some new faces. Please take this opportunity into consideration; we would love to see you there! Invite someone if you can… ![]() ST VINCENT DE PAUL, SUNNYBANK
We have an active group of about 20 volunteer members, dedicated to tackling poverty and disadvantage, by providing assistance to anyone in need in the Parish area. We provide support for food, clothing, furniture, counselling, budgeting, financial and social support. Money is donated principally from Winter and Christmas Appeals, Poor Box and Sunnybank Sports Club. Training is given to members. Membership enquiries to Parish Office. UNITE YOUTH AND YOUNG ADULT MINISTRY
YOUNG ADULTS: For young adults aged 18-35 years Unite Young Adults is a mix of social and spiritual. Our vision is to strengthen our connection to one another, our community, and to Jesus Christ. Positive words and deeds are the core values of our ministry. Unite Young Adults operates every Sunday, from 7pm. We venture out and around Brisbane for our gatherings. Contact the team through our website (QR Code) to find out when our next gathering is, or follow us on Facebook to receive event updates! TEENS: For students in Grades 6-12 Unite Teens welcomes young, high schoolers from all walks of faith to gather together to praise and worship Jesus through engaging activities, games, scripture, and the most holiest experiences. Unite Teens operates on a fortnightly basis during the school term, usually commencing from the first week. Contact the team through our website (QR Code) to find out when our next gathering is, or follow us on Facebook to receive updates on events! WELCOMING & HOSPITALITY
A Committee of over 25 years that aims to share our vibrant faith with all parishioners by welcoming and introducing new members to the parish community. We organise and support significant parish events as well as provide regular monthly cuppas after weekend masses. We always welcome new volunteers. If you are interested, please speak to any of the existing volunteers at our mass cuppa mornings. WOMEN FOR WOMEN
This is a gathering of women of all ages from the Parish as well as friends of the Parish. We gather every couple of months to enjoy a few hours of great company, delicious food and laughter. There are raffles, a lucky door prize and a guest speaker to spark lively conversations. If you would like to be invited to our next event, please email: [email protected] |